Practically all Rare
Earths ions may be injected into YLF lattice. Maximal possible
concentration is different for different Rare Earths. For example
Y may be 100% replaced with Yb or La, 50% - with Er, for Nd
reachable concentration is to 1.5%.
Pattern wavelengths are:
1.047 µm, 1.053
µm, 1.313 µm, 1.324 µm and 1.370 µm
0.85 µm and 2.81
0.75 µm and 2.06
0.435 µm, 1.89 µm
and 2.30 µm
Nd:YLF (Nd:LiYF4)
offers an alternative to the more common YAG host for near IR
operation. The combination of weak thermal lensing (19 times
lower than that of YAG), large fluorescence line width and naturally
polarized oscillation makes Nd:YLF an excellent material for
CW, modelocked operation. 1.053 µm output of Nd:YLF matches
gain curves of Nd:Glass and performs well as an oscillator and
pre-amplifier for this host. YLF is grown utilizing the modified
Czochralsky technique. The as-grown crystals are then processed
into laser rods or slabs, coated in house, and inspected per
customer specifications. Long crystals for lamp pumping with
concentration to 1.1 atom % and short elements for diode pumping
with concentration to 1.5 atom % can be grown.
The Er:YLF, Ho:YLF
and Tm:YLF single crystal rods are designed
to be applied in solid-state lasers which are widely used for
industrial, medical and scientific applications. Pure YLF crystals
are transparent within the spectrum band of 0.12 - 7.5 µm, photo-,
thermo- and radiation-resistant. The YLF crystals have low values
of non-linear refraction index and thermooptical constants.