Titanium doped
Sapphire (Ti3+:Al2O3 or Ti:Sapphire) is the most widely
used crystal for wavelengths tunable lasers. It combines the
excellent thermal, physical and optical properties of Sapphire
with the broadest tunable range of any known material. It can
be lased over the entire band from 660 to 1100 nm. Frequency
doubling provides tunability over the blue-green region of the
visible spectrum.
Ti:Sapphire crystals are active media
for highly efficient tunable solid-state lasers. They demonstrate
good operation in the pulsed-periodic, quasi-CW and CW modes
of operation. Ti:Sapphire is a 4-level, Vibronic laser with
fluorescence lifetime of 3.6 µm. The peak of the absorption
band is 490 nm which makes it an excellent material for pumping
with a variety of sources operating in the green-argon ion,
copper vapour, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG, and dye lasers are
routinely used. Crystals have also been flashlight pumped by
lamps designed to allow short fluorescence lifetime. These factors
and broad tunability make it an excellent replacement for several
common dye lasing materials. The crystals are grown using Czochralsky
and Ciropolous techniques.