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  Non-linear crystal LiIO3
       Lithium Iodate (LiIO3) crystal is an uniaxial non-linear crystal with high non-linear optical coefficients and wide transparency range. It is used for frequency doubling of the low and medium power Ti:Sapphire, Alexandrite and other lasers. In some cases it is used for frequency doubling and -tripling of Nd:YAG lasers and auto-correlators to measure ultra-short pulse width.

   • From second to forth harmonic generations of the fundamental laser emission in the range from 690 to 2000 nm
   • Optical parametric oscillation, obtaining of the tuned radiation in the ranges from 800 to 4000 nm
   • Frequency multiplication and mixing in transparency crystal range from 280 to 5500 nm
   • Measurement of parameters of ultra-short laser pulses including of the single ones
   • Visualisation of IR radiation to obtain the object image by non-linear optical methods



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