Laser crystal Cr+4:Y3Al5O12
or Cr+4:YAG - is a material that can be used as an
active media for CW, pulsed or self mode-locked tunable NIR
solid-state lasers with the tunability range of 1340 - 1580
nm as well as a media for Q-switching in lasers with operating
wavelength at 950 - 1100 nm. It is particularly useful in practical
applications because of convenient absorption band of Cr+4 around
1 mm which gives possibilities to pump it by regular Nd:YAG
lasers. A saturation of absorption in the band at 1060 nm is
useful for application in small sized Nd:YAG oscillators with
flash lamp or laser diode pumping instead of based on dye or
LiF:F-center passive Q-switches. With the usage of Cr+4:YAG
crystal the self mode-locking (KML) regime is achievable. It
gives an opportunity to build the laser source with pulse duration
shorter than 100 fs at 1450 - 1580 nm.
Finally, its high thermal and radiation
stability as well as excellent optical and mechanical properties
will give you an opportunity to design reliable devices based
on the crystal.