(BeAl2O4) modification - Alexandrite (Cr+3:BeAl2O4)
is a particularly attractive precious gem. It is also a uniquely
versatile solid-state laser material. It has the distinction
of being the first solid-state laser medium capable of tunable
operation at room temperature.
Alexandrite lasers are vibronic lasers; that is, phonons, as
well as photons, are emitted during lasing. The wavelength tuning
is accomplished by controlling the branching of energy between
phonons and photons during lasing. Alexandrite lasers have been
tuned across most of the spectrum between 701 and 860 nm. The
central part of the tuning range is from 720 - 800 nm. Using
non-linear wavelength conversion processes such as harmonic
generation and raman shifting, light has been generated at wavelengths
from the deep IR (20 µm) to the VUV.
In addition to its broad absorption
bands throughout the visible spectrum, alexandrite exhibits
narrow R line absorption features at wavelengths near 680 nm.
These properties together with its long fluorescence lifetime
make it an excellent material for both flashlamp and diode pumping.
Alexandrite's thermo-mechanical properties make it an excellent
performer in high power laser applications.