activated glasses are designed for maximal efficiency
(up to 2.5 - 3.0 % in free running) under Xe flash lamp pumping
in the regime of rare pulses.
activated laser glasses are designed for efficient
(up to 2.0 - 2.5 %) flashlamp pumped operation in case of repetitive
pulses. Heat dissipation in them is lower than that in Chromium-containing
glasses and they exhibit no temperature decrease of lasing parameters.
Concentrated Ytterbium-Erbium
phosphate laser glasses for laser diode pumped operation.
Lasing wavelengths - 1.05 and 1.35 µm. These glasses have extremely
high (4 x 1021 cm-3) Ytterbium ions content resulting in high
absorption coefficient of InGaAs Laser diode radiation (up to
35 cm-1 at the peak at 975 nm). Erbium content can be varied
depending on the customers demands (typically (3 - 5) x 1019
cm-3 for side pumping and (1.5 - 2) x 1020 cm-3 for microchip
lasers). Availability - rods or plates according to customer's
demands with appropriate antireflection or reflective coatings.
Concentrated Nd phosphate
glass with lowered concentration luminescence quenching.
Lasing wavelengths - 1.05 and 1.35 µm.
Erbium activated phosphate
laser glass. Lasing wavelength - 1.54 µm