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  Non-linear crystal Cesium Lithium Borate (CsLiB6O10 or CLBO)
        This new non-linear crystal Cesium Lithium Borate (CsLiB6O10 or CLBO) suits well for UV applications and generates the 4th. and 5th. harmonics of the Nd:YAG fundamental laser wavelength. CLBO is transparent down to 190 nm and can be phase matched for type-II SHG to 640 nm and type-I to 477 nm. CLBO is more readily grown than BBO as it melts congruently and it can be grown directly from the melt which eliminates the scatter seen in BBO due to the flux inclusions. CLBO has excellent non-linear optical properties - larger angular and spectral bandwidths than BBO. It also has a lower deff than BBO, but a smaller walk-off angle and high damage threshold: 26 GW/cm2, twice that of BBO.

    • generation highest harmonics (SHG, THG, 4HG, 5HG) of laser radiation YAG : Nd3+
    • generation second, third lasers harmonics on the alexandrite, Ti:sapphire



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